Level I Dragon Boat Steering Course - Part A


Part A begins September 9, 2024. Both Parts A and B must be completed within one calendar year.

Event information

Instructors: Joann Fegley and Liisa Reimann

Joann served as head coach of the Schuylkill Dragons in Philadelphia for 15 years. A certified personal trainer, Level II DBC Coach, USDBF Coach, and has also been a US National Team athlete and coach, heading the Senior A women’s division in 2013 and 2015. Liisa is a certified personal trainer, Level II DBC Coach, and head coach for Malia Paddling & Racing Club in Vermont. She competed with the Montreal Senior Women (22Dragons, Montreal) for many years, was a Team USA athlete (premier) in 2013, and Team USA coach (U24 women and open divisions) in 2015. Liisa was also a founding member of the USDBF Ethics Committee and co-author of the USDBF Code of Conduct.

This two-part course is for individuals who want to learn how to steer a dragon boat safely and effectively.

Part A is a four-week online course covering theory, safety, boat commands, boat operation, and principles of racing. Self-paced modules are coupled with a Facebook community and live weekly coaching calls. Participants are expected to put their learning into practice by logging a minimum of 6 steering hours with their home team and submitting them to instructors for approval prior to registering for Part B. Cost: $249 USD

Part B is a live, on-water skills assessment in which participants will be required to successfully execute a variety of maneuvers with a full dragon boat under speed. This 1-day skills assessment will be held twice a year in various locations. Participants must successfully pass Part A and complete their steering log in order to be eligible to register for Part B.

Both Parts A and B must be completed within one calendar year.

The upcoming Part A course starts September 9, 2024. Sign up here: